Top Section of Priest King or Lily Prince (reproduction after a relief from the Palace of Knossos, Crete)

Emile Gilliéron or son

key Notes:
Minoan Iconography, Archaeological Reproduction
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Gouache on paper
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Top Section of Priest King or Lily Prince

The painting titled "Top Section of Priest King or Lily Prince" is a reproduction by Emile Gilliéron or his son, created using gouache on paper. This work is a reproduction of a relief from the Palace of Knossos, Crete, and reflects the vibrant artistic style of the Minoan civilization. The original relief is significant for its depiction of what is believed to be a ceremonial figure, often referred to as the "Priest King" or "Lily Prince," highlighting the ceremonial and possibly religious aspects of Minoan culture.

Emile Gilliéron, along with his son, was renowned for his reproductions of ancient artworks, particularly those from the Minoan and Mycenaean periods. Their reproductions played a crucial role in disseminating knowledge of ancient Aegean art to a broader audience during the early 20th century. The Gilliérons' work is notable for its attention to detail and fidelity to the original artifacts, contributing significantly to the study and appreciation of ancient Mediterranean cultures.

Description of the work:

The painting "Top Section of Priest King or Lily Prince" by Emile Gilliéron or his son is a reproduction of a relief from the Palace of Knossos, Crete, executed in gouache on paper. It reflects the Minoan art style, characterized by its vibrant colors and dynamic representation of figures, capturing the ceremonial or regal aspect of the original fresco.

Artwork Photograph Source:
Harvard Art Museum

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Top Section of Priest King or Lily Prince (reproduction after a relief from the Palace of Knossos, Crete)